Simple program of c language related to array

1-Write a simple program to reverse an array. 
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Array program



int main()


int c, d, n, a[100], b[100];

printf ("\n\nEnter number of elements in array :");

scanf ("%d", &n);

printf ("\n\nEnter %d elements\n", n);

for(c = 0; c < n; c++)

scanf ("%d", &a[c]);

for(c = n-1, d = 0; c >= 0; c--, d++)

b[d] = a[c];

for(c = 0; c < n; c++)

a[c] = b[c];

printf("\n\n Resultant array is: ");

for(c = 0; c < n; c++)

printf("%d", a[c]);

return 0;



Enter number of elements in array :- 5

Enter 5 elements






Resultant array is: 6 5 4 3 2

Some basic programs of Operators in c language

2- a simple program to insert an element in an array.



int main()


int array[100], position, c, n, value;

printf("\n\nEnter number of elements in array:");

scanf("%d", &n);

printf("\n\nEnter %d elements\n", n);

for(c = 0; c < n; c++)

scanf("%d", &array[c]);

printf("\n\nEnter the location where you want to insert new element: ");

scanf("%d", &position);

printf("\n\nEnter the value to insert: ");

scanf("%d", &value);

for(c = n-1; c >= position-1; c--)

array[c+1] = array[c];

array[position - 1] = value; // insertin given value

printf("\n\nResultant array is: ");

for(c = 0; c <= n; c++)

printf("%d ", array[c]);

return 0;



Enter number of elements in array:- 4

Enter 4 elements





Enter the location where you want to insert new element :- 3

Enter the value to insert: 55

Resultant array is: 3 4 55 5 6

3- Write a simple program to delete an element from array, where the position of element to be deleted is given by user.


int main ()


int array [100], position, c, n;

printf ("\n\nEnter number of elements in array:");

scanf ("%d", &n);

printf ("\n\nEnter %d elements\n", n);

for (c = 0; c < n; c++)

scanf("%d", &array[c]);

printf ("\n\nEnter the location where you want to delete element from: ");

scanf ("%d", &position);

if (position >= n+1)

printf ("\n\nDeletion not possible\n\n");


for (c = position-1; c < n-1; c++)

array[c] = array[c+1];

printf("\n\nResultant array is: ");

for (c = 0; c < n-1; c++)

printf("%d ", array[c]);

return 0;


Output :-

Enter number of elements in array :-6

Enter 6 elements







Deletion not possible :- 3

Resultant array is: 2 3 5 6 7

4- a simple program to delete an element from array, where the element to be deleted is given by user.


int main()


int array[10], element, c, n, pos;

int found = 0;

printf("\n\nEnter number of elements in array:");

scanf("%d", &n);

printf("\n\nEnter %d elements\n", n);

for(c = 0; c < n; c++)

scanf("%d", &array[c]);

printf("\n\nThe input array is: ");

for(c = 0; c < n; c++)

printf("%d", array[c]);

printf("\n\nEnter the element to be deleted: ");

scanf("%d", &element);

for(c = 0; c < n; c++)


if(array[c] == element)


found = 1;

pos = c;

break; // terminate the loop



if(found == 1) // the element to be deleted exists in the array


for(c = pos; c < n-1; c++)

array[c] = array[c+1];



printf("\n\nElement %d is not found in the array\n\n", element);

printf("\n\nResultant array is: ");

for(c = 0; c < n-1; c++)

printf("%d ",array[c]);

return 0;


Output:- Enter number of elements in array:5

Enter 5 elements






The input array is: 4 5 6 7 8

Enter the element to be deleted: 6

Resultant array is: 4 5 7 8

Some special and important program of c language and c++

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