Program in c language using if-else condition.

1-write a program in c language to find greater in between two number using if-else condition.

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if-else program

#include < stdio.h>

#include< conio.h>

void main()


Int a=4,b=9;


If (a>b)


Printf(“a is grater than b”);



Printf(“b is grater than a”);



Output:- b is grater than a

Write a C-language program for Addition,Substraction,Multiplication and Division.

2- write a c-language program using if- else condition to find your age is eligble for voting or not.

#include < stdio.h>

#include< conio.h>

void main()


Int age;


Printf(“please enter your age:”);


If (age>=18)


Printf (“you are eligible for voting”);




Printf(“you are not eligible for voting”);





please enter your age: 21

you are eligible for voting

3-Write a program in C- language to find odd and even number using if-else condition.



int main()


int number;


printf(“Enter a number:-”);


if (number%2 == 0)


printf(“%d is an even Number”, number);




printf (“%d is an odd number”, number);




Output:- Enter a number:- 4

               4 is an even Number

4-Write a C- language program to relate two integers using =, > or < symbol.



Void main()


Int num1, num2;


printf(“Enter Two Numbers:-“);

scanf(“%d %d”,&num1,&num2);

if(num1= = num2)


Printf( “Result: %d= %d”,num1,num2);


else if (num1> num2)


Printf( “Result: %d> %d”,num1,num2);




Printf( “Result: %d< %d”,num1,num2);




Output:- Enter Two Numbers:- 12 25

Result: 12 < 25

c program to arrange 3- numbers in ascending order without using array.

5-write a program in c++ to find greater in between two number using if-else condition.

#include < iostream.h >

Using namespace std;

void main()


Int n=4,m=9;


If (n>m)


Printf(“n is grater than m”);



Printf(“n is grater than m”);

return 0;


Output:- m is grater than n

Write a C- program to compute the circumference of a circle and area of circle.

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